
evolocity.pl.velocity_contour(adata, ptkey='pseudotime', rank_transform=True, use_ends=False, fill=True, levels=10, basis=None, vkey='velocity', density=None, smooth=None, pt_smooth=None, min_mass=None, arrow_size=None, arrow_length=None, arrow_color=None, scale=None, autoscale=True, n_neighbors=None, recompute=None, X=None, V=None, X_grid=None, V_grid=None, PF_grid=None, color=None, layer=None, color_map=None, colorbar=True, palette=None, size=None, alpha=0.5, offset=1, vmin=None, vmax=None, perc=None, sort_order=True, groups=None, components=None, projection='2d', legend_loc='none', legend_fontsize=None, legend_fontweight=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, title=None, fontsize=None, figsize=None, dpi=None, frameon=None, show=None, save=None, ax=None, ncols=None, **kwargs)

Contour plot of pseudotime with velocity grid.

adata : AnnData

Annotated data matrix.

ptkey : str (default: pseudotime)

Name of pseudotime values.

rank_transform : bool (default: True)

Perform final rank transformation.

use_ends : bool (default: False)

Use end terminal nodes in pseudotime computation.

levels : int (default: 10)

Number of contour levels.

pt_smooth : float (default: None)

Pseudotime two-dimensional smoothing.

density : float (default: 1)

Amount of velocities to show - 0 none to 1 all

arrow_size : float or triple headlength, headwidth, headaxislength (default: 1)

Size of arrows.

arrow_length : float (default: 1)

Length of arrows.

scale : float (default: 1)

Length of velocities in the embedding.

min_mass : float or None (default: None)

Minimum threshold for mass to be shown. It can range between 0 (all velocities) and 100 (large velocities).

smooth : float (default: 0.5)

Multiplication factor for scale in Gaussian kernel around grid point.

n_neighbors : int (default: None)

Number of neighbors to consider around grid point.

X : np.ndarray (default: None)

embedding grid point coordinates

V : np.ndarray (default: None)

embedding grid velocity coordinates



matplotlib.Axis if show==False