
evolocity.pp.featurize_fasta(fname, model_name='esm1b', mkey='model', embed_batch_size=3000, fasta_metadata_record=False, use_cache=True, cache_namespace=None)

Embeds a FASTA file.

Takes a FASTA file containing sequences and returns an Anndata object with sequence embeddings in the adata.X matrix.

An optional argument (fasta_metadata_record) allows for loading metadata directly from the FASTA file.

fname : str

Path to FASTA file.

model_name : str (default: ‘esm1b’)

Language model used to compute likelihoods.

mkey : str (default: ‘model’)

Name at which language model is stored.

embed_batch_size : int (default: 3000)

Batch size to embed sequences. Lower to fit into GPU memory.

fasta_metadata_record : bool (default: False)

If True, assumes metadata is storred in FASTA record as key=value pairs that are separated by vertical bar “|” characters. Otherwise, does not attempt to load metadata from the FASTA.

use_cache : bool (default: False)

Cache embeddings to disk for faster future loading.

cache_namespace : str (default: ‘protein’)

Namespace at which to store cache.


  • Returns an Anndata object with the attributes

  • .X – Matrix where rows correspond to sequences and columns are language model embedding dimensions

  • seq (.obs) – Sequences corresponding to rows in adata.X

  • model (.uns) – language model